Is Herbalife good and healthy?

There are all kinds of opinions on this subject and you have probably read or heard some not very good ones. Well, I am going to try to shed some light on the subject, analysing, on the one hand, the programme and the products and, on the other hand, both my personal opinion after testing it and that of my clients.

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I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

What isn’t Herbalife?

I want to start by clearing up some misconceptions about Herbalife.

Herbalife is not a slimming product

Let’s start with the most important thing, Herbalife products are not slimming products. They can help you in your weight loss goal, but only if you use them as a complement to a healthy lifestyle.

Herbalife is not a miracle diet

Herbalife is not a miracle diet and, in fact, I don’t even like to call it a diet. Miracle diets are usually quick fixes for weight loss based on food restrictions and a very low calorie meal plan that is not healthy at all, as our body needs all the nutrients it needs to function properly. In addition to the fact that it ends up being a waste of time, because at the end of this type of diet, which is not sustainable over time, the famous rebound effect occurs, so you end up regaining the weight you lost and you may even gain a few more kilos than before starting the diet.

What is Herbalife?

Having clarified what it is not, let’s look at what it is.

Herbalife are nutrition supplements

Herbalife products are designed to complement your meal plan and ensure quality nutrition. Herbalife shakes, for example, are packed with macro and micronutrients and contain all the essential vitamins and high-quality protein you would get with a full meal, but are fat-free and low in calories. So they can be used both to help you lose weight (by replacing one or two meals) in a healthy way, as you make sure you’re giving your body everything it needs, and as a food supplement.

Herbalife is a comprehensive programme based on healthy habits

As I said before, Herbalife is not a diet, it is a comprehensive programme that encompasses much more. The idea of Herbalife is to help and accompany you to learn to have a healthy lifestyle, so that, unlike a diet, you can sustain it over time.

Our Herbalife diet is based on an eating plan tailored to your goals, designed by nutritionists, with no food restrictions, no calorie counting and no starvation, it’s designed to give you enough energy to cope with all the activities of the day, because it’s important that you’re active. This needs to be accompanied by physical exercise, so the programme also includes training plans and guided virtual classes for all kinds of physical activities. The supplements help your body to detoxify from the old, while it adapts to the new, so that it can start to integrate the change little by little.

So is Herbalife good and healthy?

To answer the initial question, all Herbalife products are natural and contain no harmful substances, but like all natural products, they must be taken in the correct way. If you follow the nutrition and exercise guidelines and use the supplements as recommended, Herbalife is a good and healthy way to both lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How long is it advisable to take Herbalife?

The body needs time to get used to the new habits, so it is recommended that you follow the programme for at least 90 days to achieve good results, but be aware that reaching your goal may take longer.

Does Herbalife have a rebound effect?

The rebound effect occurs when, after finishing a diet, you go back to eating as before and it is something that happens because conventional diets and some modern diets are designed based on prohibitions. As I have been explaining, Herbalife is neither a crash diet, nor a low-calorie diet or a diet based on food restriction, but it is based on a healthy lifestyle, so it is something that can be sustained over time. If you learn to eat well and get into the habit of regular physical activity, you can do it forever. If you have heard contrary opinions, it is most likely to be from people who have not been consistent or who have not received the right advice (this is very important).

Are there any contraindications to Herbalife?

The Herbalife weight loss plan is only contraindicated for people with kidney problems or diabetes. However, if you have any other disease, disorder, allergy or intolerance, as well as if you are pregnant, it is best to consult your doctor beforehand.

Otherwise, Herbalife has no side effects if you do it correctly, i.e. with advice and by conscientiously following the indications and recommendations of the diet and exercise plan and the coach’s guidance.

I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

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