Herbalife Nutrition reviews

This article may be one of the most complete to resolve all the doubts that most people have about Herbalife. Like you, I had many doubts at the beginning because of the amount of information on the internet that generates mistrust.

The first thing you need to know is that Herbalife Nutrition, being the No. 1 company in the world in nutrition, supplements and meal replacement shakes, is also the most attacked. Something normal because it has been in the sector for many years (since 1980) and that happens to most companies or people who are very successful.

Herbalife reviews
We are Herbalife distributors in India

I want to become an Herbalife distributor, can you tell me more?

The second thing you need to know is that Herbalife sells its products through independent distributors and although there are common standards for all distributors, they don’t all work in the same way. So if you know someone who has had a bad experience I would encourage that person to try our team and be amazed at the results they could achieve with the right advice.

The third and final thing is that the reality of Herbalife is that it helps change the lives of many people around the world both financially and in helping to improve health.

Analysing and answering Herbalife reviews (nutrition related)

Since several influencers, YouTubers and other people in the nutrition sector have given very critical opinions about the brand, I would like to respond to all these comments that may discourage some people from making the decision to start with Herbalife nutrition.

First we will look at the nutrition related issues and then the business related issues.

I want to become an Herbalife distributor, can you tell me more?

1 “Herbalife is not recommended”.

The bad thing is the amount of overweight that exists today and the sedentary with the multitude of diseases that this entails. Not being able to play with your children, shortness of breath for just climbing stairs, mobility problems, etc. You have tried the typical miracle diets and you see that it has not helped you at all, you lose weight and then you gain it back.

Let me tell you that we are not magic and neither are the products, you will have to make an effort and change habits to get results. We are not simple salesmen who just want to sell for the sake of selling, we want to help you achieve your goals and be happy with yourself. I will help you in the whole process of change and you will be able to contact me 24 hours a day to solve your doubts.

2 “when you stop taking the shakes you have a rebound effect”.

This can happen with any diet you do if you do not change your habits. This rebound effect occurs when you do things right for a while and go back to the initial calories. Dieting with calorie counting and food weighing leads to less adherence and more drop out. It also happens when you do a very low calorie diet without doing anything else, so the body adapts, there can be loss of muscle mass and many other complications such as a much slower metabolism. This cycle of I diet I quit and then I diet again makes it harder and harder to lose weight and easier to gain it back.

With me you will use Herbalife products but you will eat 2-3 times a day different healthy and varied dishes. In our exclusive team we have a nutritionist and we also have weekly trainings on nutrition. We also have psychonutrition trainings (given by a psychologist) so that you understand that doing Herbalife with us is a lifestyle, not a diet as other people think.

3 “shakes are not satiating and you will go hungry.”

The shakes are satiating and hydrating, and we prioritize proteins, fats and fiber as they are the most satiating. In our “weight control” eating plan we take enough protein (very important) and reduce refined carbohydrates which are the least satiating. On the other hand, we do not always do the same, some days we eat more calories and others less.

We cannot forget that each person is different and has different requirements. A person who is overweight and sedentary is not the same as a person who trains intensively every day. Different people with different goals = different requirements.

Regarding the Formula 1 shake, the ideal is to prepare it with whey protein + water, this way it is very complete, has less sugars than if it is prepared with milk and satiates more.

4 “They are very low calorie diets and you only eat shakes.”

This will not happen with me and my team. First of all, we have a team of nutritionists who prepare varied weekly menus depending on your goal.

Secondly, you eat between 4 and 5 meals a day. That is 2 to 3 meals that are not shakes. You will probably eat more than you used to and you will be surprised by the variety of foods you will eat. What we look for in weight control is nutritional density (lots of nutrients taking few calories).

Third, we have nutrition training from the beginning, a supportive community, personalized advice and even a virtual gym. Everything is free…

Fourth and most importantly, the goal is to change your habits to healthy ones and learn to eat well and compensate when necessary, which is why the team psychologist helps clients a lot.

When the desired weight is reached, a single meal is replaced by a shake to do the maintenance plan, so there are 3 to 4 meals that are not shakes. Of course there is no dependence on the shake because you will have learned to eat well, you will drink it as I do when I feel like it, because I like it and it makes me feel good and energetic.

5 “Shakes have a lot of sugar and it’s added.”

Not all of them have fructose, first of all. Others do have it (fructose) and it is added because it is a prepared product.

In the case of Formula 1 what we take is 26g of product (not 100g) and this contains about 6 grams of fructose (varies depending on the flavor). That is very little if we compare it with the majority of breakfasts that people make. A coffee with 2 sugars is about 16-18 grams of sugar. How much sugar is in a cereal with milk? And some cookies?

I assure you that if you analyze the majority of breakfasts that people make you would be surprised by the low nutritional density of these breakfasts, the sugar they have and how unhealthy they are. Substituting a smoothie for most of the breakfasts people make is not only a good option that helps weight control, but it is surely healthier. Let’s take a closer look:

Fructose is absorbed differently than other sugars. In addition, the protein, fat and fiber in the shake make the absorption slower than if you were to take the fructose alone, for example in a drink.

As an example, if a client drinks 2 shakes a day (12 grams of fructose) and takes 1500 Kcal/day, it would be 3.2% of his total daily intake. This would be better than the WHO recommendation of not taking more than 10% in a day.

Another important point, the shakes are good and quick and easy to prepare. This increases adherence to the plan and makes it easier to start the change of habits that many people need so much.

The shakes are of low quality or cause liver damage.

There is a study that attempted to link Herbalife ingredient with liver toxicity. Other studies were corrected for errors in the method, analysis and interpretation of results. Other agencies (AESAN) also corrected these previous studies.

Everything remained in “maybe”, “possibly”. It would be necessary to analyze what these people have taken and what lifestyle they have had. I have met people who have asked me how they could lose weight as fast as possible and they did not care about their health. There are people who do real crazy things in this sense, they even put their lives at risk.

Think about one thing, if it was really harmful, they would have established a direct cause between the consumption of the products and these supposed damages and they have not done it. Therefore these claims made by others are totally false and without any scientific backing or evidence. Also, let me give you some other facts.

Herbalife products pass strict controls not only in 1 country but in the 96 countries in which it is located. Herbalife controls and supervises the entire manufacturing process until it reaches the consumer, passing strict controls in all the countries where it is found and appears in the corresponding health records. Finally, more than 5 million shakes a day are consumed worldwide. Do you really still think it is harmful?

What is bad for the liver is alcohol, drugs, steroids, drug abuse, etc.

7 Products are expensive

Although the concept of expensive or cheap is relative, here are my impressions.

The first thing to know is that in Herbalife with nothing that you make a little effort you can get a discount on the MRP.

Secondly, this low calorie but high nutritional density product is a meal replacement, so if we eat 5 meals a day. Breakfast and dinner can be replaced by shake (weight control) and when the desired weight is reached, only 1 shake is replaced at breakfast or dinner.

You can calculate how much each dinner or a complete HEALTHY breakfast would cost you, but I assure you that it would be over 4-5€. By the way, a glass of milk with a handful of cereals may be cheaper but it is not healthy and does not contain the nutrients that the shake has.

Another important aspect is the confidence and guarantee given by a brand that passes so many controls in so many different countries, has been on the market for 43 years, is the No. 1 company in nutrition and consumes more than 5 million shakes a day.

The last and most differentiated point that I offer you (you would not have it with another distributor) is an access to weekly menus prepared by a nutritionist (depending on your goal), nutrition training, group classes of nutrition psychology, recipes, a community that supports you, personalized follow-up 24 hours a day and even a virtual gym where you can do from your home classes such as Yoga, pilates, spinning, advanced functional training, functional training for people with low physical condition, GAP, etc. In addition, it is recorded so you can watch it whenever you can.

All of these services are free if you register with Herbalife with me or buy the products directly through me. Buying them any other way (either from another distributor or online) you would not have access to all of this.

“I see the products lower prices on other internet sites”.

Yes, you may find the products lower prices in other places but I tell you my recommendation.

Sites like Amazon, Flipkart, e-commerce or similar are totally forbidden by Herbalife. That is to say it is forbidden to sell there. In addition, you have no guarantee when buying there, there have been cases of sales of expired products.

My recommendation is that you buy it from an independent Herbalife distributor like me. On the other hand, if you are interested in getting the products Contact me for more information.

8.- The people who sell Herbalife are untrained and know nothing about nutrition.

Distributors who sell Herbalife do not have to be trained in nutrition to sell their products. Just like in Mercadona they sell substitute shakes and there is no nutritionist there to assist you.

In our particular case, we train all the distributors from the beginning and all the training is given by a nutritionist and in the aspect of psychonutrition by a psychologist. This is what makes our customers achieve their goals when before they tried all kinds of diets and did not succeed.

Responding to criticism about Herbalife (business related)

I want to become an Herbalife distributor, can you tell me more?

1 “Herbalife is a pyramid scheme”.

First of all, Herbalife is a company with a multilevel marketing system, a concept that is included in the laws of each country where it is..

Throughout all the 43 years that this company has been active, it has had sentences in different countries, however, it has never been catalogued as a pyramid scheme since this is illegal in most countries and it would not have continued its activity. And not only has it not continued, but it has established itself as the leading company in its sector with a distribution network in 96 countries and an annual turnover of more than 5,000 million dollars a year.

Herbalife created the golden guarantees in which for example Herbalife returns the cost of the license if you wish within 3 months after registration or for example if you accumulated product at home for sale, you can return it in the period of 12 months and you get 100% of the money back.

Differences between pyramid schemes and multilevel marketing

1.- The first is illegal and the second is regulated in many countries around the world.

In a pyramid scheme the profits are obtained by recruiting other people under you in which a high initial outlay is requested for nothing. In Herbalife you do not earn anything by recruiting people, that is, you recruit 1000 people and you earn 0. You only earn commissions for product sales like any other sales company.

3 .- A pyramid company does not sell products or services, sells “air” and you will say that they are in the process and things like that.

3.- Spending is controlled. The marketing plan is complex and if you are interested I can explain it to you in an online meeting via zoom. Everything is defined where the expense of everything that goes into the company goes.

In a pyramid model they promise to make you rich overnight and the people who make money do it very fast, just as fast as everything falls down afterwards. In multilevel marketing you can get big commissions in the medium to long term and it requires a lot of skill, effort and daily dedication.

Pyramid companies do not pay taxes and multilevel companies issue their corresponding invoices in each country.

2 “In Herbalife, the one at the top always wins, not the one at the bottom”.

Whoever says this has a total lack of knowledge of how the marketing plan works and it is understandable because it is complex to understand. In Herbalife a person who is 5 or 6 levels below another, can earn more commissions than the one who is far above.

3 “In Herbalife you will go broke”.

I have not heard of any case, not even from my sponsors who have been in this business much longer than I have, of people who have gone bankrupt in this business.


Therefore, there is no fixed cost like a company that pays rent for a place. Here you will only spend what you choose to buy for your own consumption, nothing more. In addition, I remind you that you have the guarantee OF 12 months if you buy a lot of product to sell and then do not sell it.

4 “They make you believe you can make a lot of money and they cheat you.”

This makes me laugh because those who talk about this is that they are not informed of absolutely nothing. First of all Herbalife shows the % of distributors who earn according to what commissions. For example, those who usually earn the most are 1% of all distributors. You can also see averages and things like that.

In addition, the top distributors and with more income are forbidden to display and make public their standard of living or luxuries they may have, precisely to protect the distributors. So what do you want me to tell you, just the opposite.

The reality is that to grow in the marketing plan requires a lot of effort, skill, hard work and constant dedication. This is the only way to get good results in your marketing plan.

My personal opinion about Herbalife Nutrition

After experiencing what Herbalife really is, what the objective is and how my organization works, I can only say that I’m very glad I didn’t let myself get carried away by the first impressions I had the first time and the distrust I had. I leave you a list of the most important points that you will find if you decide to start this adventure.

1.- A supportive community that works with you to achieve your goals.

In our organization there is tremendous support for each other, sharing experiences, ideas, training and anything to help others achieve their goals. In few businesses/jobs will you find people who support you and are always there to encourage and help you.

2.- No salary limit

Most companies do have a pyramid shape in which the owners are the ones who earn the most and those at the bottom are the workers who maintain a very similar salary throughout their working life until they retire. If you want to move up, it will not always be easy because there will be another person above you who will not want to be removed from his position or a thousand other similar situations.

In Herbalife you earn commissions for the sales that you and your organization make, without any kind of limit and with the possibility of an exponential growth thanks to multilevel marketing.

3.- Freedom and time (something that is scarce nowadays).

In most jobs you exchange your time for money and that’s how it is your whole life until the long-awaited retirement arrives, if ever. You are subject to schedules, bosses and a set vacation time.

At Herbalife you will initially spend a lot of time until you build your own team and distribution network, but you can achieve a passive income so that you can earn money without having to spend your time. Of course, achieving this takes effort.

You set your own hours, your own vacations, you don’t have to report to bosses and you can organize yourself as you want, because you work for you, not for others.

4.- Family reconciliation and working from any location

Something that is very valuable nowadays is to be able to enjoy your children and your loved ones when they need it. This in a conventional job is not so easy, many times you are denied the reduction of working hours, other times you have problems if you have a sick family member or your child has something happened and so on.

In Herbalife you can work from home and not only that but anywhere, the beach, the mountains, even live in a SMALL CITY OR A TOWN have a better quality of life because it is not necessary to live in a big city where there are more job opportunities. As long as you have an internet connection and a cell phone is enough.

I want to become an Herbalife distributor, can you tell me more?

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