Some of the most frequently asked questions about Herbalife are: How do I take the Herbalife weight loss shake?, How long do I have to take Herbalife to lose weight?, How many times a day can I take Herbalife Afresh ? and so on. Along with this, when you look for information about Herbalife, you also find negative opinions, people who claim that it has not worked for them, that when they finished they regained the lost weight or even that it has brought them health problems. Why does this happen? Because of not having good advice.
In this article I explain all the reasons to do Herbalife with the guidance of a nutritionist.

Counselling is important
In my article “Does Herbalife work? I explained that it does and, more importantly, how. And therein lies the crux of the matter. Herbalife products are supplements, they are not fat burners or any kind of magic or miracle solution (I advise you to avoid those that offer quick results without effort, because they put your health at risk), and that means that for you to get results with them you have to do your part. How? What do you have to do? Well, this is where the nutritionist comes in.
When you join the Herbalife programme with us, you will receive guidance, support and help at all times. As it is a comprehensive programme, we offer you a complete diet plan specifically geared to your goal (weight loss, maintenance or muscle mass gain) and with progress monitoring (it is adapted according to your progress), in which in addition to meal planning, we tell you which supplements you can take and how to take them.
For example, the Formula 1 shake can be used for either purpose, but it is not the same for weight loss, where it will replace two meals, as it is for muscle gain, where it is added as an extra meal.
Equally, if, for example, you need extra energy so you don’t feel so tired or you want to focus on targeting cellulite or avoiding fluid retention, the nutritionist will advise you on both the meals and the time to help you achieve your goal.
I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?
To avoid the dreaded rebound effect
Another reason to do Herbalife with a nutritionist is to avoid the rebound effect. The comprehensive Herbalife programme (the one I offer you and which has a group of nutritionists behind it), if done correctly, has no rebound effect. But if you only consume the products and you don’t have the right advice or it’s not the right advice, of course you can have it.
Why? Because it is not a crash diet for quick and drastic results. Because it is not a crash diet to get quick and drastic results. No, in the programme we offer, the objective is that you learn healthy habits and incorporate them little by little into your life, something that stays with you, that is, that you can sustain over time and, as long as you do it, you will continue to take care of your health and maintain your desired weight.
When we say learn, we don’t just mean learn recipes, portion sizes and how to portion your meals. We go a step further and our nutritionists also teach online classes that teach you nutrition guidelines, how to choose foods at the grocery store, how to combine ingredients and tips for making your own recipes, among other things.
In short, Herbalife can help you meet your goals, but it’s important that you do it right, so you don’t put your health at risk or throw your money away. If you are interested in knowing more, you can contact me, so I can explain everything in detail and answer any questions you may have.