How much weight loss does Herbalife provide?

There are many people who have tried thousands of diets and none of them work for them and have even experienced a rebound effect after leaving them when they have reached their goal.

Then they begin to look for other alternatives desperate because they no longer know what to do and when before they saw Herbalife with no possibility of including it in your life now begin to treat it as an option.

If you are one of them or you have simply considered trying the Herbalife diet I invite you to read this article and resolve any doubts that may arise.

weight lose herbalife 1

I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

    First of all, Herbalife is a leading nutrition company number 1 in its industry that sells nutritional supplements for all goals: weight control, maintenance and muscle mass gain. But above all, it is known for its weight management programs and products that help you lose weight.

    I don’t like to call it a diet because I firmly believe that diets are not sustainable over time because you get tired, you get bored, they restrict food, you get hungry and since you don’t learn to eat you have a rebound effect as soon as you stop and continue with your previous habits.

    Herbalife is a lifestyle that helps you change unhealthy habits for healthier ones, you learn to eat and to compensate meals without stopping eating what you like most and above all to improve your relationship with food in a lasting and sustainable way over time.

    Team members who have achieved weight control

    When you think that achieving your weight loss goal is impossible and that you have tried everything, think about these other people who have gone through situations very similar to yours and in the end succeeded. It’s all about attitude and finding the right coach to help you and guide you through the whole process. Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to start with your change.

    These results are not typical individual results may vary from person to person

    I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

    How much weight loss can I lose in a week with Herbalife and in a month?

    If you have ever asked someone this question, it is impossible for them to give you an exact figure and if they do, they would not be telling you the truth because in this sense no one can guarantee anything.

    It is not the same a person who needs to lose 5 kilos than another who needs to lose 30. Obviously the second one will have to make much more effort, especially mentally.

    That is the first step: to mentalize yourself and see how good it will be to change those habits, not only aesthetically but in your life in general.

    The weight a person loses with Herbalife depends a lot on the initial state in which they are, how well they follow the guidelines established by their coach, if they follow the program well and if they do physical exercise.

    You have to know that Herbalife products are not magic and the product alone will not make you lose weight. What will make you lose weight is your commitment to the program and your adherence to it.

    You will have moments of highs and you will have moments of wanting to quit because at first you will see that you lose weight very fast but that weight loss will slow down as time goes by. But you have to see this as a long term race in which even if one week you only lose 200 grams, everything counts.

    There are many factors that influence weekly weight loss. There are weeks in which women are with menstruation, have not done so much sport, have had many social meals or have not gone daily to the bathroom. But I assure you that with perseverance everything is achieved.

    I have had girls who in one week have lost 3 kilos and girls who have lost 200 grams but everything counts because although weeks are more kilos and weeks less kilos if you do your part and you listen to your coach you will get very good results.

    Are Herbalife shakes good for weight loss?

    I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

      Herbalife Formula 1 shake is the flagship product in all Herbalife nutrition programs (weight management, maintenance, weight gain, muscle gain), but it’s super important in weight management. Herbalife nutrition programs (weight management, maintenance, weight gain, muscle gain), but it’s super important in weight management.


      Herbalife Formula 1 shakes are low in calories but contain all the necessary nutrients in the right amounts to be able to call it a meal replacement.

      They are also very satiating and are very good (there are 12 flavors to choose the one you like and go varying to not get tired) and many times the craving for sweet we can turn it off with one of these shakes and without providing empty calories or lots of sugar.

      On the other hand, they are very quick and easy to prepare, so if you are short of time in this busy life we lead, it will not take you even 2 minutes to prepare them.

      At no time will you feel hungry because you will eat between 5 and 6 meals a day. Two of them (breakfast and dinner) are replaced by a low-calorie shake. The rest of the meals (morning snack, main meal and afternoon snack) are made with real food choosing very well the food, but don’t worry because you don’t even have to think about what to eat because there are weekly menus prepared by nutritionists of our team who elaborate them with love for each of the objectives.

      You might even feel like you’re eating more than before. What a great diet!

      So yes, Herbalife shakes are good for weight loss because they are good, satiating, low in calories and nourishing. The rest of the meals are within a balanced framework.

      How do I prepare the Herbalife weight loss shake?

      I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

      The Herbalife Formula 1 shake is very quick and easy to prepare, it will take you no more than 2 minutes (3 minutes if you drink it hot).

      Each shake has between 150- 250 kcal depending on how you prepare it. Shake the jar before opening so that the contents do not clump together.

      There are two ways to prepare it, with milk or water. In weight control I recommend taking it with water and adding extra protein, but I will explain both ways.

      • Herbalife Formula 1 Shake with milk: add two level scoops with the large side of the measuring spoon, or 26 grams.

      Then add 200 ml of semi-skimmed or vegetable milk and 200 ml of cold or hot water (if you want hot, heat the liquid beforehand).

      Shake your shaker or whisk with the mixer so that there are no lumps and you’re done.

      • Herbalife Formula 1 shake with water: add two level scoops with the large side of the measuring spoon, or 26 grams. Add extra protein from Herbalife protein powder drink. This is done to subtract the sugars from the milk and add more protein, which is essential for weight loss.

      Then add 300 – 400ml of cold or hot water (if you want hot, heat the liquid beforehand).

      Shake your shaker or whisk with the blender so that there are no lumps and that’s it.

      If you like it cold I advise you to add a couple of ice cubes and your shake will be super creamy.

      Losing weight with Herbalife 20 kg Is it possible?

      adelgazar herbalife

      I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

      It is possible to lose 10, 20, 20, 30 kilos and whatever you want with Herbalife. You just have to commit to the program and follow the instructions of your coach. If you do this in about 6 months you will have lost 20 kg. For more information on this our article on how to lose weight with Herbalife 20 kg can help you.

      The most important thing is that you acquire healthy lifestyle habits, that you learn to choose well the food you put on your plate and that if you ever want to leave Herbalife nutrition you do not have a rebound effect.

      You will achieve this thanks to the food school classes taught by nutritionists from our team and food psychology sessions taught by a licensed psychologist from our team who specializes in this field.

      You will learn to eat everything and enjoy food without feeling guilty or fear every time you step on the scale.

      Is Herbalife good for weight loss?

      Losing weight with Herbalife is good if you follow your coach’s recommendations. Never take Herbalife nutrition without your coach’s instructions. Follow a varied diet without skipping meals and without feeling hungry.

      The mistake people make when they go on a “diet” to lose weight is eating much less and skipping meals and they don’t understand that what they need to do is eat better, not eat less.

      Your weight loss should be progressive, without abrupt changes. Let your body adapt to the new situation to feel comfortable.

      You should always be well nourished to avoid deficiencies. There are diets so low in calories that they begin to lose hair, break their nails and have deficiencies in their analytical.

      But all that in Herbalife does not happen because everything is done in a progressive way and with the best nutrition.

      Does Herbalife’s aloe concentrate work for weight loss?

      Herbalife’s aloe concentrate is a drink that has many benefits in the body and of course serves to lose weight.

      It works by purifying and detoxifying the body of toxins and cleansing the colon. By cleansing it, it helps to lose weight because it reduces fluid retention.

      It prevents constipation, improves circulation and favors the elimination of fat because it helps to mobilize and eliminate it.

      Thanks to all this work, inflammation is reduced and therefore, weight is lost.

      Other Herbalife weight loss products

      Apart from Herbalife’s aloe concentrate, there are other products that help and complement each other in weight loss. I have already mentioned that there is no miraculous and slimming product in the world by itself, but there are products that help and accelerate the process.

      At Herbalife we have several products that help in the weight loss process. These products are the following:

      • Herbalife afresh: This product serves as a stimulant and has a thermogenic effect on the metabolism. It also has a diuretic effect, helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and improves performance in your training sessions.
      • Thermo Complete Herbalife: is a powerful thermogenic that activates the metabolism that thanks to its high caffeine content has shown a positive effect on weight loss when accompanied by proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits.
      • Herbalife Fiber: prevents constipation, increases satiety, lowers blood cholesterol levels and partially reduces the absorption of sugars and fats from the diet.

      Herbalife Weight Loss Testimonials

      adelgazar herbalife

      I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

      As the saying goes: “to each his own” and with Herbalife there are all kinds of opinions. I can talk about how my team works and the results obtained.

      There are many prejudices related to the brand because not everyone works in Herbalife in the same way. As I always say, the product is the same for everyone but not everyone works in the same way. So if you have any previous bad experience or you need to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, I invite you to contact me because I have all the tools that can help you in your goal.

      Our clients agree that losing weight with Herbalife in our team is easy, it is not boring, they do not get tired of eating always the same, they can eat everything, without restricting food and they feel motivated to keep going. They really appreciate the help and the 24/7 support they get from the team. They love being in a follow up group with other people with the same goals where they share ideas, recipes and daily motivation.

      So the best way to know if something works is to try it for yourself, because by trying it you don’t lose anything and you can gain a lot.

      Frequently Asked Questions about weight loss with Herbalife

      Why don’t I lose weight with Herbalife?

      You may not be preparing the products properly.

      Maybe you are not eating your other meals properly or you are not drinking enough water per day (2L/day). Or you may not be moving enough per day. Sometimes we think that we are doing a lot of sport and you spend 2 hours training, but let me tell you one thing: if you do not move the rest of the day and you spend 10 hours sitting in a chair, no matter how much you train two hours that does not do much good. It is more important to move daily throughout the day, than to train for 2 hours and then sit for 10.

      Talk to your coach and analyze your situation, surely there is something that can be improved.

      What is the Herbalife weight loss plan?

      The Herbalife weight loss plan is a program in which different products are used adapting to the budget of each client and a series of tools that our team offers completely free of charge for the purchase of the product.

      In the weight control program are made between 5-6 meals a day according to your needs in which 2 of them (breakfast and dinner) is done replacing with a Formula 1 Herbalife shake. The rest of the meals are made with real food with food in their correct proportions of healthy dish.

      The plan also offers an application with weekly menus prepared by nutritionists, food school to learn how to eat properly and healthy guidelines, training classes from home (functional training, GAP, active dance, pilates, spinning and more), and monthly sessions of food psychology to prepare you mentally and help you with the challenge of a change of habits.

      Why lose weight with Herbalife?

      With Herbalife you lose weight because you learn to eat properly and to enjoy food compensating.

      Its products are those that help and accelerate the process because for example the Formula 1 Herbalife shake is satiating and low in calories. It replaces breakfast and dinner, so there is already reduced calories. The rest of the meals of the day are healthy meals with real food where food is chosen very well.

      Eating healthy is not synonymous of eating less, with our menus you will even have the sensation of eating more than before but being healthy you will lose weight.

      Are there Herbalife weight loss recipes?

      With our products you can make delicious recipes and finger-licking desserts. From waffles or brownies to mushroom and tomato bread.

      Of course, there are also plenty of recipes that are not made with Herbalife products that are shared among our team’s customers, such as pizza, lasagna or healthy pasta.

      The customers themselves also share their healthy recipes with all their colleagues. In the end it’s all about helping each other and feeling like you’re always there for each other on this journey.

      Herbalife is not a crash diet to make you lose weight overnight. Herbalife’s weight loss programme is all about taking care of your health and helping you adopt a healthy lifestyle so you can get to your goal weight and maintain it over time. So the answer is yes. It is highly recommended.

      How do Herbalife products help you??

      There are no miracle solutions at Herbalife. The programme is based on good eating habits and exercise. So what do the products do? They are supplements to help you reach your goal, providing energy to combat tiredness and fatigue, stimulating the metabolism, purifying the body, improving digestion, regulating intestinal transit and helping to complete the nutritional requirements.

      Tips and advice for weight loss with Herbalife

      I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

      As you can see, there are no tricks. It is simply a matter of learning to live a healthy lifestyle. However, I can give you a few tips:

      Get advice and guidance

      Herbalife’s meal plans are designed by nutritionists and the training routines and physical activities are created by professionals. Plus, there are coaches to accompany, guide and support you throughout the process.

      Eat 5 meals a day.

      There are many people who believe that skipping meals will make them lose weight faster and this is wrong. It is preferable to have more meals with a controlled intake than a few larger ones. The ideal is to have 3 main meals and 2 snacks (one mid-morning and one as a snack). In this way, they keep the metabolism active.

      Don’t restrict foods, avoid empty calories and try to eat foods that fill you up.

      You have to eat everything, because all nutrients are necessary. Avoid, however, empty calories, i.e. “junk food” that provides a lot of calories and very few nutrients (alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, industrial pastries, fried snacks, sugar, pre-cooked sauces, etc.). To avoid hunger between meals, choose foods that are more filling.

      Make sure you drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water a day.

      Not only do you keep your body hydrated, feel more satiated and avoid fluid retention, but there’s more. Studies confirm that drinking water increases your resting energy expenditure by 24-30%, i.e. it helps you burn more calories.

      Do physical exercise

      In order to lose weight in a healthy way, it is essential to increase calorie expenditure, which is achieved by doing regular physical activity. This not only stimulates fat burning (the body uses fat for energy), but also tones your muscles, so you lose volume and avoid flabbiness.

      However, if you have never exercised before or have not done any physical activity for a long time, start with low-intensity exercise. Also give yourself the opportunity to try out different routines or activities.

      Don’t obsess about the scales

      Obsessing about the pounds is a mistake. Keep in mind that when you start eating right and exercising, the most important thing is to improve your body composition by reducing volume, i.e. losing fat and toning your muscles, and remember that muscle takes up less, but weighs more.

      Don’t want to see results overnight

      Express results are unrealistic and can lead to frustration and failure.

      If you stagnate, recalculate

      It is normal that at some point you will notice that your weight loss has stalled, it may be that your body has become used to the change and has slowed down, don’t despair. There are a few things you can do to “reset” it, such as going out of the calorie deficit or adding some strength training to your week. I explain more about this in the article How to keep losing weight when you plateau?

      It is normal that at some point you will notice that your weight loss has stalled, it may be that your body has become accustomed to the change and has slowed down, don’t despair. There are a few things you can do to “reset” it, such as going out of the calorie deficit or adding some strength training to your week. I explain more about this in the article: How to keep losing weight when you plateau?

      Be consistent and patient

      Here’s the key. There will be days when you feel more motivated and others when you find it harder, but the important thing is that you focus on the journey and understand that it’s about creating habits, a new, healthier lifestyle. If you stay consistent, the results will come, and if you have been guided and have learned, you will be able to maintain them, which is, after all, the most important thing. That’s why it’s also important to be patient, don’t run.

      I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

      1 thoughts on “How much weight loss does Herbalife provide?

      1. Satish choubey says:

        Hight 158cm weight 95.6kg age 53ok.I join the Herbalife nutrition from March till to day for weight loss i loss only8kg i think platuplsam start weight not on down I want lose more 16kg what to do

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