Why don’t I lose weight with Herbalife?

It happens to many people. They are trying to lose weight, but they can’t. Is this normal? Yes, and it can have many different causes. The good news is that some of them are easy to solve. In this article I’ll explain the reasons why you may not be able to lose weight.

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Not eating enough

Many people believe that in order to lose weight you have to starve yourself, and nothing could be further from the truth. When you eat less than you need, your body may lose weight at first, but it soon gets used to receiving less food and then slows down its metabolism to save energy (it consumes only the minimum amount of calories).

So it’s not about eating too little, it’s about eating enough and eating well, but burning more with physical activity and even helping the metabolism to stay active even at rest.

What do I mean by eating well? Eating 5 meals a day (3 main meals and 2 snacks), not restricting food groups, avoiding empty calories, reducing the consumption of ultra-processed products as much as possible, avoiding light products (sweeteners have been shown to cause cravings and increase hunger), drinking enough water and trying not to eat in a hurry.

You sleep little

Lack of sleep (the recommendation is between 7 and 8 hours) increases the production of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates the sensation of hunger and reduces energy expenditure, and studies show that not getting enough sleep promotes the accumulation of fat.

If you have trouble falling asleep, try to have a light and early dinner (2 hours before bedtime), avoid caffeine from late afternoon onwards, try to avoid screens (mobile phone, tablet, computer or TV) at night and try drinking a relaxing afresh.

dormir poco


When you are under stress, your body responds by releasing cortisol. When cortisol reaches high levels, one of the consequences is that you start to store fat, as your body interprets that it is going to need more energy. There are different tools to reduce stress, in my case, meditation, mindfulness and breathing exercises help me a lot.


Bear in mind that there are also pathologies that make it difficult to lose weight, such as certain metabolic diseases, digestive disorders and even allergies.

If you find that you are having a hard time losing weight and you suffer from any of these diseases or think you may have them, it is best to consult your doctor.


Age is another factor that can make it difficult to lose weight. From the age of 30 onwards, changes begin to take place in the body. For example, from the age of 30, the metabolism starts to slow down, muscle mass is lost and the production of hormones such as oestrogen in women and testosterone in men decreases, factors that favour the accumulation of fat.

This does not mean that it is impossible to lose weight after 30, but it does require a little more effort and, above all, patience.

Sedentary lifestyle

Physical activity is very important for weight loss. As I said before, it’s not about eating fewer calories, it’s about spending more calories than you take in.

If you have never exercised before, you can start with something light and gradually increase the intensity and frequency. Also remember that everything helps, so try to move more in your daily life: walk everywhere you can, take the bike to run errands, use the stairs instead of the lift or escalator…

Poor advice

Another reason why some people fail to lose weight with Herbalife (and quite often) is because of bad advice. As I always say, products alone do not work miracles, it is important that you learn to eat healthily and stay active if you want to see results. Many of the distributors who offer the products at very low prices do not give the right advice, nor do they offer a comprehensive programme. We offer you meal plans designed by nutritionists according to your goals, virtual guided classes for all kinds of activities and levels, nutrition advice talks to help you learn how to choose foods and create your own healthy recipes, talks on the psychology of eating to help you control anxiety and emotional hunger, personalised coaching (I accompany you, guide you and help you throughout the process) and motivational groups, among other things.

I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?

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