Lose 20kg with Herbalife. Is it possible?

If you’ve come this far, it’s because you’re thinking about taking care of yourself, so that’s good news in itself. So if you’re wondering whether it’s possible to lose 20kg or more with Herbalife, the second good news is that the answer is yes.

As long as it’s a realistic goal, i.e. if you really need to lose 20kg, Herbalife can help you achieve it.

How? How long does it take? What do you need to do? We explain it all in this article. To start with, here are some results from people on our team who have followed the Herbalife meal plan.

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These results are not typical individual results may vary from person to person

I want to start my change. Will you inform me?

How do you know if you should lose 20 kilos?

First of all, and referring to one of the things I mentioned in the introduction, let’s clarify how to know if this is a realistic and healthy goal, that is, if it is true that you need to lose 20 kg. Well, to do that, you have to calculate your BMI (your weight divided by your height squared).

If you have a BMI between 25 and 30, you are considered overweight and in that case, it is recommended that you lose between 15 and 18 kg. A BMI above 30 indicates obesity, in which case we would be talking about the need to lose 20 kg even to avoid health problems.

I want to start my change. Will you inform me?

How long does it take to lose 20kg with Herbalife?

The reality is that there is no concrete answer to this question, because it depends on each person (age, sex, state of health, etc.), the diet plan, the type and amount of exercise they do. However, what we can assure you is that it will not be an express process, it will require time and effort.

You may have heard about diets or so-called miracle solutions that promise to lose 20 kg in 3 months, which, even if it is possible, is not at all healthy. Because the only way to achieve this in such a short time is with a very restrictive, hyper-low calorie, nutritionally deficient diet that can put your health at risk. Cut calories drastically to lose weight faster:

  • It causes you to lose muscle, which leads to flabbiness.
  • It causes a nutritional deficit, so it could cause a drop in your defences or cause your organs to fail.
  • It can slow down the metabolism, which causes weight loss to stall.
  • These types of diets have a rebound effect.
  • In addition, they make you hungry, cause moodiness, apathy, discouragement and anxiety.

On the contrary, a more gradual weight loss over a longer period of time favours the reduction of fat reserves, avoids muscle loss and helps regulate the metabolism to prevent the body from adapting to the reduction in calories by expending less energy (which in restrictive diets causes you to stagnate and stop losing weight or start to regain it, the rebound effect).

Bearing in mind that the most advisable is to lose a maximum of 4 kg per month, but that this is not achieved every month (we explain it well below), we could say that losing 20 kg could take you between 7 and 10 months, approximately.

What the Herbalife programme focuses on is guiding and supporting you through the process of learning to eat healthily, gradually turning it into a habit that can be sustained over time. It may take you longer, but it’s all about keeping the weight off, which is the most important thing.

How many kilos can I lose in a month with Herbalife?

As I said before, it is very difficult to specify a specific number, as it would not be realistic or honest, because, as we say, it depends on each person, their initial state, how much weight they need to lose, whether they follow the guidelines set by their coach correctly, whether they do physical exercise, how intensely and how often, among other factors. Among our clients, for example, there are girls who manage to lose 3 kg in a week and others who lose 200 grams.

However, according to scientific studies, the recommended weekly weight loss to achieve an evolution and avoid the rebound effect is approximately 0.5 to 1 kg. So taking this into account, and the fact that you do not lose the same amount every week, we advise you to aim for a loss of 3 to 4 kg per month, no more.

What kind of diet to lose 20 kilos should I follow?

It’s not about dieting, it’s about gradually and consistently implementing new healthy habits.

When you join the Herbalife programme, the first thing we do is assess your condition and analyse your goals in order to offer you the most appropriate diet plan, which is of course designed by our nutritionists and is adjusted throughout the process. That’s why you don’t have to worry, because we guide and accompany you at all times.

This plan contemplates a calorie reduction within healthy limits, without nutritional deficiencies and with sustainable conditions over time, clearly supported by the practice of physical exercise. The idea, however, is that this plan will serve as a support at the beginning, until you have incorporated and consolidated the new habits into your life and have learned, so that when you finish, you can continue with the healthy routines.

How to lose 20 kilos without rebound effect?

perder 20 kg herbalife

I want to start my change. Will you inform me?

As we said, the Herbalife programme is based on helping you change your habits to achieve your weight loss goal in a healthy and, above all, sustainable way, and this is the key to avoiding the unwanted rebound effect. There are no magic solutions or miracles.

In addition to the meal plans and the wide variety of sports classes, we have food school classes taught by our nutritionists so that you can learn to eat more healthily and even food psychology sessions by psychologists specialising in this field, to, among other things, help you manage emotional hunger and anxiety and even change your relationship with food.

Can you lose 20 kg on diet alone?

Adopting the right eating habits is important for weight loss, but it is not the only way to lose weight. It is also important to be physically active. Doing some form of exercise helps increase calorie expenditure and boosts metabolism, so it’s also essential for fat loss.

If you’re not used to doing sport, you can start with light activities, and there are activities for all levels in the Herbalife plan.

It also helps to change certain habits such as avoiding taking the car if you can walk, taking the stairs instead of the lift. Another factor that influences weight loss is rest.

Other factors that also influence weight loss are getting a good night’s sleep and avoiding stress. Studies have shown that too little sleep is associated with increased hunger and appetite. Stress, on the other hand, can not only make you want to eat more, but also slows down digestion, causes bloating and can also encourage the body to accumulate fat.

What if I get bored, lose motivation and stagnate?

I want to start my change. Will you inform me?

If you’ve tried all kinds of diets and they haven’t worked for you or you haven’t been able to stick to them, it’s normal that you’re thinking about this. As I have been saying, losing 20 kg is a long process, so it is likely that along the way you will experience moments of highs when you are 200% motivated, but also others in which you get discouraged, you have a relapse, the weight loss slows down or stagnates and you get overwhelmed. This is absolutely normal.

The important thing is that you set small, achievable short-term goals, step by step. Achieving small goals will give you more confidence in the process and will help you stay motivated. For this, you will have the help of your coach who will guide you to set these small but important challenges.

It will also help you to vary your diet, which is why the menus change and, when you learn, you can experiment with new recipes in your own way. The same goes for physical activity, you can try out different exercise routines or change your activity so you don’t get bored.

On the other hand, keep in mind that you will not be alone, besides having your coach to help you, you can join groups with other people who, going through the same process as you, experience similar things, so you can support and motivate yourself in a group.

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