If you’ve come this far, it’s probably because you have a friend, family member, acquaintance or you’ve heard someone who is on the Herbalife diet and says they’ve noticed a huge loss of volume and you’re wondering how this is possible.
Here we will tell you, first of all, what it is to lose volume and why it is even better than losing weight, and what are the keys to the Herbalife programme to achieve it.
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What is weight and what is volume?

First of all, it is important to explain what exactly losing volume is and how it differs from losing weight.
When you have been following your diet plan and exercising regularly for a few months, you will probably start to notice that some of your clothes fit looser and when you take measurements you will notice that you have lost centimetres in some areas of your body. Well, this is specifically a loss of volume.
However, it may happen that when you get on the scales, while in the first few weeks you observed a more regular weight loss (perhaps even very pronounced at first because you start to eliminate liquids, although this can obviously vary greatly depending on the body, circumstances and physical condition of each person) now, even if you follow all the guidelines, you notice that it has slowed down and that you are not even losing any more. What has happened?
What has happened is that the volume is given by the accumulation of fat, poor digestion or constipation, fluid retention, cellulite, etc. and as you start to take care of yourself, your body starts to deflate. However, as you exercise, your muscles start to grow and tone. In short, where there used to be fat, there is now muscle and the muscle takes up less, but weighs more.
Losing fat and losing volume is much more important in terms of health than losing weight.
That is why we should not become obsessed with weight, because even if we are not losing weight, while we are losing volume, we are losing fat, which is a clear sign that we are making positive progress and is much more important in terms of health.
These results are not typical individual results may vary from person to person
I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?
How is the volume of the body measured?
Bearing this in mind, the best way to evaluate our evolution is to measure the volume of our body, write it down and check the changes as the weeks and months go by.
To do this, all you need is a tape measure (fabric or plastic) and measure the circumference of your abdomen, the circumference of your hips, thighs and arms.
How does Herbalife help you lose volume?

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Well, the result lies in the combination of a balanced diet and exercise together with Herbalife products that help. Let’s look at it point by point.
Food plan tailored to your goals
Changing your diet is essential to start seeing physical changes in your body. It is not about starving yourself, but about learning to choose your food wisely, controlling portion sizes and eating between 4 and 5 meals a day.
A healthy, complete and balanced diet improves digestion, regulates intestinal transit, combats and prevents fluid retention. It avoids bloating, by reducing the amount of calories, fat is burned.
The Herbalife weight loss programme includes a wide variety of menus depending on the objective, there are recipes and even shopping lists and guides, so you can learn how to choose the healthiest products.
Herbalife is not a miracle diet, in fact, there is no such thing as a miracle diet. Those that offer quick fixes, such as big weight loss or volume loss in a very short time, tend to be restrictive and cannot last over time, which means that when you stop them, you experience the well-known rebound effect, that is, you immediately regain what you have lost and even gain more weight.
Herbalife’s goal is that you learn to eat healthy and can also allow yourself some treats, so you don’t get tired, get bored and give up. It’s all about achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Physical exercise

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The second important point to lose volume is to increase calorie expenditure, which is achieved with regular physical exercise.
In our Herbalife programme, in addition to training plans, we offer you virtual guided classes with all kinds of different activities so that you don’t get bored and adapted to different levels. If you have never done physical activity you can start with a gentle practice, it is not about killing yourself training, but to be constant and evolve little by little.
At this point it is important to dispel a myth. There is a belief that to reduce the volume of a specific area of the body, you have to do specific exercises for that area, for example there are people who are convinced that to lose weight they have to do a lot of sit-ups.
Well, this is not true. There are no exercises that remove localised fat, the volume is lost in a general way. What is achieved by working on a specific area is to tone the muscle underneath the fat and this improves the appearance of that area. That is why nutrition is important.
The help of supplements
As we said before, the main thing is to change your diet and exercise, and products also play an important role in this process. Products alone will not make you lose weight, they cannot do the job for you, but they are designed to help you reduce volume, lose weight, tone up, or whatever goal you have set for yourself:
- Giving you energy to combat tiredness and fatigue.
- Activating the metabolism.
- Controlling anxiety
- Purifying and detoxifying the organism.
- Providing antioxidants to help prevent premature ageing of tissues.
- Regulating intestinal transit and aiding digestion.
- Helping you to complete your nutritional requirements while controlling calories.
For example, the Formula 1 Shake, which allows you to replace a meal, with all the nutrients, but fewer calories.
What if I stop taking Herbalife, will I regain volume?
If you’ve had bad experiences with miracle diets, you’re probably worried that you might experience a rebound effect after finishing the Herbalife programme.
My goal is for you to change your lifestyle by implementing healthy habits and routines that you can sustain over time. The idea is that you learn to eat well, that you implement physical exercise into your routine and that you feel better, in other words, changes that can be sustained over time.
That’s why, if you decide to start with me, you will find, in addition to meal plans, classes to learn how to choose the healthiest foods, psychological help to learn how to manage “emotional hunger”, personal motivation and even support groups with other people who have the same goal as you.