A common question that often arises is whether Herbalife has a rebound effect. It is normal that this concern arises if you have been jumping from diet to diet, you have made many sacrifices and efforts to lose weight and finally you always find that soon after finishing you start to regain what you have lost. The good news is that Herbalife is different.
Here I will explain what the Herbalife programme consists of and why it has no rebound effect, but first and so that you understand it better, I will explain what the rebound effect consists of and why it occurs.

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What is the rebound effect and why does it occur?
It is called the rebound effect or yo-yo effect when after finishing a weight loss diet you see visible results, but in a short time you regain the lost weight. It often happens when you go on a very restrictive low-calorie diet in order to achieve a large weight loss in a very short time. In other words, so-called crash diets, also known as miracle diets.
Why does the rebound effect occur? Restrictive diets are not sustainable over time, not only because there is a lack of nutrients, which is bad for your health, but also because you tend to starve yourself. What happens is that when you go back to your normal diet (because you have not learned how to eat, you have only followed a diet), you regain your initial weight and you may even gain a few extra kilos. Why?
- It slows down the metabolism. When you go on a low-calorie diet, the body does not have enough energy to function normally, so it intelligently goes into a kind of “saving mode”, i.e. it starts to work more slowly in order to spend less and thus have reserves. When you finish the diet and go back to eating as before (by increasing the calories ingested), the body continues to work in the same slow way, that is, burning very few calories, which is why you gain kilos so quickly and you can even exceed your pre-diet weight.
- You have not lost fat. For the same reason that I have explained, during the diet only part of the fat is lost, because the body is actually saving it and, instead, where it gets the energy from is from the glucose and glycogen reserves of the muscles, hence the flaccidity that tends to appear.
- Hormonal changes. After the diet, the production of thyroid hormones, which control metabolism, decreases and the production of other hormones such as ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, increases.
- Excessive carbohydrate and fat intake. Low-calorie diets are usually based on the suppression of carbohydrates and fats, so that when you stop the diet you start to consume these types of foods, which were previously forbidden, in excess, which, added to all the above factors, increases the accumulation of fat in the body very quickly.
Is there a rebound effect in Herbalife?
No, because it is not a one-off diet, but a programme whose aim is to incorporate healthy habits into your life, which are perfectly sustainable over time. Our aim is for you to learn to eat healthily and to incorporate physical activity into your daily life.
If you have heard contrary opinions, the chances are that these are people who have not been consistent or who have not received the right advice (this is very important).
If you do the Herbalife programme with me, I will tell you that we are based on 4 pillars:
- Food plan adapted to your goals
- Physical exercise
- The help of supplements
- Support and advice
The Herbalife meal plan is designed by nutritionists and tailored to your goal, which in this case is weight loss. But it’s not a strict diet, there are no food restrictions, you don’t have to count calories and it’s designed to give you enough energy to cope with all the activities of the day.
For physical exercise we have training plans made by professionals, as well as a programme of virtual classes of all types and levels.
On the other hand, there are the Herbalife products, which, as we always say, are not miracle solutions that make you lose weight effortlessly and quickly. That’s not what they’re about at all. They are simply aids to help your body detoxify from the old, getting used to the new, so that it starts to integrate the change little by little.
Finally, and the most important pillar, during the whole programme you will be advised and supported. On the one hand, you will have me, who will be your coach and I will be available to help you, answer your questions, support you and accompany you throughout the process. On the other hand, you will also have at your disposal other tools such as nutrition school classes, food psychology sessions, and other types of talks and training to make the process as easy as possible.
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