Losing body fat is not just about aesthetics, it is also important for health, as excess fat is associated with heart and metabolic diseases.
Now, many people ask us if Herbalife products are fat burners and the answer is no, but yes. No, because there are no products that make fat disappear in a miraculous way (and those that promise to be are dangerous to your health). And yes, because with Herbalife products, following the diet and exercise plan that we propose, you can get rid of your excess fat. In this article we explain it well.
What is a fat burner?

I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?
First it is important to define the concepts so that they are well understood. There is no such thing as a fat burning product. There is no miracle pill that you take and magically makes your love handles disappear and those that claim to be are dangerous for your health, so we recommend you avoid this type of product.
As we always explain, fat loss is achieved by doing sport and eating properly (we are not talking about starving yourself, but eating well).
The real fat-burning products, therefore, are those that help to mobilise fat from your fat reserves, accelerate your metabolism to transform it into energy and prevent your body from accumulating more fat. But we are talking about an aid, as you won’t see real results if you don’t lead a healthy and active lifestyle, as we mentioned before.
Which Herbalife product burns fat?

Again, Herbalife has no miracle fat-burning products, but its supplements can help your body do so if you use them as an accompaniment to a complete and balanced eating plan, tailored to weight loss and regular exercise, along with other healthy habits.
Let’s look at some of the products and how they can help you burn fat:
- Herbalife afresh contains theanine and catechin whose function is to inhibit the enzymes responsible for digesting fats so that they are absorbed by the intestine, thus preventing the body from absorbing them and instead expelling them as waste. In addition, the tea also has a thermogenic effect, which stimulates the metabolism to transform fat and use it as energy.
- Herbalife’s fibre is another product that can help you get rid of fat. Fibre not only reduces fat absorption, but also sugar absorption, which is why it prevents insulin spikes. The latter is also important, because high insulin in the blood stimulates the creation of more fat and prevents us from burning the fat we already have.
- Herbalife’s Aloe contentrated not only helps to cleanse and de-inflate the digestive system, which improves its functioning. In addition, it can speed up metabolism and also helps to control blood sugar levels.
Do Herbalife fat burning products work?
Yes, but as we’ve been saying, these products don’t work on their own, they have to be accompanied by proper nutrition and exercise, which is what we offer you with our Herbalife plan.
If you start taking care of yourself with me, we’ll not only give you a nutritionist-designed meal plan specifically geared to your goals, but we’ll also help you move more with workout plans and a variety of virtual classes for you to choose from.
In addition, we offer you food school classes with nutritionists who will help you learn how to make better food choices and even sessions with psychologists to learn how to control anxiety or emotional hunger, for example. Also, obviously, you will have my support as a coach who will accompany you and help you throughout the process.
I want to buy Herbalife products, can you tell me more?
However, it’s not all fat
Finally, I would like to make one last point: it’s not all about fat. What interests us most when we want to lose weight is losing volume and we become obsessed with burning fat, but we must bear in mind that not only fat loss is important, but also other factors such as fluid retention or abdominal swelling. Our products together with the plan we propose will also help you with that, so if you follow my instructions and are consistent, you will start to notice physical changes in a short time.